Saturday, December 20, 2008 bored...and its been a long time since ive blogged , so i thought why not take a break from my studying and do sumthing elsee..and since i am sooo boredd..and fb seems equally boring, so blogging is the only option left!!!
So rite now im lissening to songs, and im in a little dull, romantic mood.... so im compiling a list of songs that everyone should listen...when they are in somewhat the same mood as i am rite now...

My Favourites:

Everything you want - Vertical Horizon (thanks anoop for this song)
Bedshaped - Keane
Six feet from the edge - Creed (my all time favourite - amaazzingg songg)
Aitebaar - pakistani song (dunno  the singer)
Naa Kaho - Aaroh
When Angels fly away home - Cold
Love of the loveless - The Eels

And more to come...ill continue with this list laterr...

Monday, September 29, 2008

MY VOICE, a little tweaked

I thought writing to newspapers, subitting your letters, sending them your opinion which they so happily welcome and publish, is all part of freedom of speech, no one should trample on that, and Newspaper editors of all the people should be able to respect that and accept that.

But i guess i am wrong, well atleast about the newspapers in Dubai. I recently sent this letter regarding Obama's views on how he would handle terrorism in Pakistan, when and if he becomes the President. Anyway, i didnt really expect them to publish it if they found it offensive or angry [since i had written it when i was boiling with rage], but i definitely didn't expect them to change the whole letter and replace them all with their own words which sounded so much more tame and [unfortunately] proper.

Nevertheless the fact is whatever my letter was, and in whatever mood and language i had written it in, they definitely had no right transforming it to suit their needs!!!
Since i couldn't decide if my letter was really offensive or not, i copied both of them "My version" and "Newspaper version" below. So you guys decide if my letter really did need any altering...

"My version"

Obama-McCain Debate
I was just listening to Obama-McCain Debate right now on CNN, and I couldn't help reeling with anger at what i heard Obama saying, about his taking action against terrorists on Pakistani soil, without Pakistan's permission. 
He believes Pakistan is "unwilling" to take action, what, is he blind? Doesn't he see that Pakistan is getting bombed up by those same people, who are spreading terrorism all over the world, and Pakistan is trying to combat them, to catch them and to eradicate them from its lands.
He has to be able to respect whatever strategies Pakistan employs in fighting terrorism, however different they may be from his own.

"Newspaper version"

Obama on Pakistan
The other day I was watching a debate on CNN in which Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said that he will move against Pakistan and hunt down terrorists in the country.I think Obama is far from reality on ground. In fact, Pakistan is itself a victim of terrorism and innocent people are being killed in the name of war on terror. Instead of taking action against Pakistan, Obama should see to the reasons that are resulting in terrorist activities.

Btw, i'm prepared for any sort of criticism

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

One-eyed Monster

i know i shudnt probably be doing this, but i so have to write about this first surgery experience. I just had an eye surgery rite now, not a big deal, apparently its a veryy common surgery and until this evening , i was soo totally kooL abt about goin through with it.

But when i was lying down on the bed for the surgery, thats when i started getting all nervous and scared, even thogh the doctor was very xperoienced and sure abt it, i was totally scared abt losing my sight...but thn it went fine, Alhamdulillah. My left side was anasthesized and i could hear everything what was going on, jus cudnt feel it, thank god!!!
Even the doctor was so ready to explain about how he was progressing with the surgery, how he was clamping the internals of y eye, and he wud have probably gone on, had i not stopped him...i have a very graphic brain, and i could exactly picture what was happening with my eye, and i definitely did not wanna noe it. I was trying all thought-stoping teechniques and swtichiing y brain to good memories, going to my "happy place", so that i dont have to visualize the surgery.

But the good thing is, it barely took more than fifteen minutes and now i am home, and i shudnt be staring at the computer screen for long...
Although i thing im still wondering, when y left side of the brain was numbed, surprisingly, all my senses were still actuve, basically, only my eye area was numbed, and nothing else was affected, so does that mean, the left side of the brain is almost useless, asin doesit only involve controlling left eye senses. Anyway, have to google about that!!!

Signing off now...cheers

Saturday, September 20, 2008

"Sleeping Around" by Julie Highmore

Such a dumb book and soo predictable. Although i don't deny i actually enjoyed it, it was light read, a good timepass, since i had nothing better to do!!!

What i am actually talking about is this book by Julie Highmore, "Sleeping Around". A very apt title, since that is what everyone in the book seems to be doing!!! It is more like a Desperate Housewives episode, all women in the neighbourhood falling for the same guy, who apparently cannot decide if he is in love with the person he is sleeping with, or with the wife who left him after coming out clean of her previous affair.

What i didn't like about this book is the fact that the writer wouldn't explain much as to what was going on in the characters' heads. It seemed very abrupt, the changing from one scene to the next, without actually giving us the results of what happened. It seemed more like as if she got bored of writing the current scene and didn't find time to finish it off, and probably woke up the next morning and started afresh with a new scene. And the story was very usual, and as i earlier mentioned very predictable.
However, it is probably meant to be a light read, for people in dull moods and who don't want to do much serious reading. All in all, it is an "okay" book, definitely not worth spending money on!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

crazy mind!!!

I am sure it must happen with everyone, embarrassing moments, but i don't think many people obsess over it or think over it as much as i do. Besides, i think i have a problem, i over think everything, even rite now, every sentence of mine has to have the word think, even the blog title has it!!!
i sometimes feel (just avoided the word think) that i might go crazy with all the amount of thinking i do, particularly, when i'm recounting my embarrassing moments, and thinking and re-running the whole episode in my mind, wondering why i did what i did!!!
Today was one of those days, i'm not going to repeat the whole scene, but i know i have to apologize to the person i was rude with, and i'm just waiting when I'll go to uni next, and bump into him by mistake, and tell him that, that day was really not a good day for me... i don't even know if I'll be able to frame a decent sentence in front of him if i meet him!!! Oh god, i wish i could just turn back time...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Obama And Hillary, Similar Views or maybe not

I was just reading up something on BBC's website about whether Clintons' support for obama has united the party. Before i make conclusions about that i was trying to search whether Hillary's ideas of transforing America were not really diferrent from Obama's. And i found atleast one common link, they both realise the economy has gone really downhil and it needs to be revived.

"Obama and his nomination opponent, Sen. Hillary Clinton, have talked about the economy throughout their now 13-month campaign. But their intensity on the topic has grown in recent months, as the housing crisis has deepened and the issue has become of greater concern to more Americans."(Obama on Economy:McCain is 'Third Bush term')

Anyway, currently i'm jus finding if Hillary's and Obama's ideas were similar, and they are both trying to make America better, then wudnt Hillary's supporters be automatically ready to give their votes to Obama. Well, im hoping that happens because i definitely don't want it to be a "third Bush term".

Monday, August 25, 2008

Is Pakistan better off without Musharraf?

im still wondering that...
i jus read a few articles and comments online from people discussing how democracy is important for pakistan, and although it might be true, but when faced with the choice of only zardari and nawaz-sharif, then i'd rather take the dictorship of musharraf anytime.
So I'm still wondering whether Musharraf's resignation will turn out for the better for Pakistan, or will it end up causing more chaos, particularly looking at the future with the possibility of Zardari at the head!!!
Before i leave, i came across this quote Musharraf cited in his book,
“Napoleon said that two-thirds of decision making is based on study, analysis, calculations, facts, and figures, but the other third is always a leap in the dark, based on one’s gut.”