I thought writing to newspapers, subitting your letters, sending them your opinion which they so happily welcome and publish, is all part of freedom of speech, no one should trample on that, and Newspaper editors of all the people should be able to respect that and accept that.
But i guess i am wrong, well atleast about the newspapers in Dubai. I recently sent this letter regarding Obama's views on how he would handle terrorism in Pakistan, when and if he becomes the President. Anyway, i didnt really expect them to publish it if they found it offensive or angry [since i had written it when i was boiling with rage], but i definitely didn't expect them to change the whole letter and replace them all with their own words which sounded so much more tame and [unfortunately] proper.
Nevertheless the fact is whatever my letter was, and in whatever mood and language i had written it in, they definitely had no right transforming it to suit their needs!!!
Since i couldn't decide if my letter was really offensive or not, i copied both of them "My version" and "Newspaper version" below. So you guys decide if my letter really did need any altering...
"My version"
Obama-McCain Debate
I was just listening to Obama-McCain Debate right now on CNN, and I couldn't help reeling with anger at what i heard Obama saying, about his taking action against terrorists on Pakistani soil, without Pakistan's permission.
He believes Pakistan is "unwilling" to take action, what, is he blind? Doesn't he see that Pakistan is getting bombed up by those same people, who are spreading terrorism all over the world, and Pakistan is trying to combat them, to catch them and to eradicate them from its lands.
He has to be able to respect whatever strategies Pakistan employs in fighting terrorism, however different they may be from his own.
"Newspaper version"
Obama on Pakistan
The other day I was watching a debate on CNN in which Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said that he will move against Pakistan and hunt down terrorists in the country.I think Obama is far from reality on ground. In fact, Pakistan is itself a victim of terrorism and innocent people are being killed in the name of war on terror. Instead of taking action against Pakistan, Obama should see to the reasons that are resulting in terrorist activities.
Btw, i'm prepared for any sort of criticism