Wednesday, September 24, 2008

One-eyed Monster

i know i shudnt probably be doing this, but i so have to write about this first surgery experience. I just had an eye surgery rite now, not a big deal, apparently its a veryy common surgery and until this evening , i was soo totally kooL abt about goin through with it.

But when i was lying down on the bed for the surgery, thats when i started getting all nervous and scared, even thogh the doctor was very xperoienced and sure abt it, i was totally scared abt losing my sight...but thn it went fine, Alhamdulillah. My left side was anasthesized and i could hear everything what was going on, jus cudnt feel it, thank god!!!
Even the doctor was so ready to explain about how he was progressing with the surgery, how he was clamping the internals of y eye, and he wud have probably gone on, had i not stopped him...i have a very graphic brain, and i could exactly picture what was happening with my eye, and i definitely did not wanna noe it. I was trying all thought-stoping teechniques and swtichiing y brain to good memories, going to my "happy place", so that i dont have to visualize the surgery.

But the good thing is, it barely took more than fifteen minutes and now i am home, and i shudnt be staring at the computer screen for long...
Although i thing im still wondering, when y left side of the brain was numbed, surprisingly, all my senses were still actuve, basically, only my eye area was numbed, and nothing else was affected, so does that mean, the left side of the brain is almost useless, asin doesit only involve controlling left eye senses. Anyway, have to google about that!!!

Signing off now...cheers

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